
Home » Register/Login

Note: The following ages/grades are full or close to full. If an age group is not listed, there are at least 4 spots remaining.
Grades listed are the "rising grades" so a 6th grader below is a current 5th grader in school.
1st Session2nd Session3rd Session
4th/5th Grade BoysSpots Available


Spots Available
4th-6th Grade Girls

2 spots available

Spots AvailableSpots Available
6th Grade Boys

3 spots available


Spots Available
7th Grade Girls

4 spots available

3 spots available

Spots Available



CampInTouch is our secure registration system. You must complete the registration process in one session. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. You will not be able to save and restart an online application later.

Before you begin, make sure you:

  • Have your payment information ready. At Sci-Tech, if you are registering for the Waitlist, you will not be charged unless you are taken off the waitlist. Before taking you off the waitlist, we will call and verify your enrollment before invoicing.
  • Know the session(s) and workshop(s) for which you want to register. For more information, see:


To Register More Than One Child
After registering your first child and reaching the final “Application Submitted” screen, click the “Begin New Application” link. All the information for your first child will be saved as you begin the application for your next child.
The application will assign the person completing the online form as the “Primary” parent/guardian and this person will have the main login for the account. You can add additional parents/guardian contact information and email addresses to the account, but the camp will consider the “Primary” person as the main point of contact by default. The person listed as the “Primary” parent/guardian will also be the only parent included on the end-of-summer camper roster, as we try to share only minimal information about each family.
Making Payments

PAYING A DEPOSIT You will need to pay a deposit per session, per child for summer camp. We cannot confirm your child’s enrollment until we have received the deposit.

PAYING SUMMER CAMP BALANCE  We offer multiple payment options to best suit your family’s financial needs. These payment plans, as well as the payment methods available, are listed in the camper application and are also available on our FAQs page.

If you apply for a 6 Points Sci-Tech scholarship, you will receive award notifications mid-to-late March. At that point, we will adjust your final balance accordingly.

Once you submit an application, you will receive an email confirmation that the application was submitted. Please note that communications sent from or through CampInTouch can sometimes get filtered to a spam folder. Please check your spam folder following registration if you do not receive a confirmation of the receipt of your application. If you still have not received an application confirmation email after checking your spam, please give the office a call at 857-246-8677.
Confirmation of application is NOT a confirmation of enrollment. It takes 5-7 business days for an application to be processed and for a camper to move from “applied” to “enrolled.” You will be charged your deposit upon enrollment. Once you are officially enrolled, you will receive an emailed enrollment confirmation from our office.
When you submit an application online, you will receive an email confirming the submission of your application. Applying is not a guarantee that your camper will be enrolled. When you apply, if there is no space in the workshop of your choice or available housing for your camper, you will be on a waitlist. If you are placed on a waitlist, you will be contacted by our office. No charges will be made if you are placed on a waitlist. If a spot opens up, we will contact you right away! Before moving you off the waitlist and enrolling you in camp, the office will confirm your registration.
The Union for Reform Judaism requires that all camp and travel program participants, staff, and faculty must be immunized. We provide an updated Vaccine Policy every year. This vaccination information will be available as part of your camper forms when they are available in the Spring. For reference, please read the URJ Policy Statement on Vaccine Status (updated 1/9/24).