Sci-Tech Means To Me…

Sci-Tech Means To Me…

At the end of each session, one camper from every hall shares what Sci-Tech means to them. It is a special moment to hear how each camper has grown throughout their time at Sci-Tech and how their halls have come together as a community.
The Roller Coaster of Jewish Life

The Roller Coaster of Jewish Life

By Jonathan Abelson, Roller Coaster Physics Instructor Roller coasters typically have names such as “Viper,” “Goliath,” or “The Beast!” However, when campers from Six Points Sci-Tech West become the designers and creators of their own roller coaster, they become “The...
From Israel to Thousand Oaks: Technology

From Israel to Thousand Oaks: Technology

By Orel Fichman Since I arrived here at Sci-Tech West, we’ve been talking about technology and science. As a part of the Mishlachat(the Israeli delegation brought to camp as counselors and specialists) living in a new country, I was amazed by the technological...
Sci-Tech Israel in the Desert

Sci-Tech Israel in the Desert

By Rabbi David Wilfond, Director of Education On Sunday the teens visited the Orcam labs in Jerusalem, where they got to test out their next generation product. Orcam develops cameras that attach to glasses in subtle and sleek way in order to help people with visual...
7 Reasons to Travel to Israel

7 Reasons to Travel to Israel

By Morgan Gitlitz 1. There are so many places to visit, both historical, informational and beautiful. 2.You can travel with a group and make memories with friends from all different backgrounds. 3. There is REALLY good food to try all over! (my favorite is shawarma)...