Sci-Tech Alumni Day 2024
The Sci-Tech Alumni Committee is excited to announce our first annual Sci-Tech Alumni day this summer! 10 years ago, our pioneer campers paved the way for an incredible summer community. This Alumni Day, 11 summers after we first opened, we will pave the way for Sci-Tech Alumni for years to come! Join us this summer for a return to camp to enjoy your favorite places, people, and activities at Sci-Tech! On Saturday, July 27th, we’ll be welcoming back to Gov’s all camper and staff alumni for a day filled with all those camp friends, traditions, and activities you’ve missed!
Activities will include:
Boker Big Bang!
Shabbat Services and Song Session
Saturday BBQ Lunch from Gov’s
Shalectives/Chugim and schmoozing with old friends
Special Tech Talks featuring some superstar staff alumni

Early Bird registration is now live! Register before May 1st and receive this year’s camper T-shirt included in the price of registration.

More information:
Registration Cost: $36
Friday July 26th
Optional Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 5:15 PM.
Note: Dinner after services is not open to alumni, so you’ll need to make your own plans.
Saturday July 27th
Plan to spend the day in Byfield at Governor’s. Services will start at 9:30 AM with an optional light breakfast at 9:00 AM. If you’d prefer to join after services, plan to arrive around 11:00 AM. Programming will run all day until around 9:00 PM when we end the day with Havdalah.
Sunday July 28th
Depending on responses in the registration form, we may have optional gatherings for those sticking around the Boston area on Sunday to go to the Museum of Science or downtown Newburyport.
The 2024 Sci-Tech Alumni Day is open to all former campers and staff members. Former campers must have graduated high school by the summer in order to attend.
Lodging Options
We are holding rooms at Adelynrood Retreat Center (10 min walk from Governor’s) with options for Friday, Saturday, or both. The cost of $70/night covers a single room with access to shared bathrooms. There are a limited number of rooms, so please RSVP ASAP if you’re interested in this option!
Transportation Options
Let us know during registration if you’d like to be included in transportation logistics (shared rides/rental cars).
If you have any questions, please reach out to Sam Kazer, Pioneer Staff and Camp Council Vice Chair at