Where Curiosity and Community Coincide!
Campers entering grades 4-10 explore robotics, video game design, sciences, digital media, and a host of other fun activities in a friendly setting with those who share similar interests. Teens in grades 10-12 can invent and discover in Israel or hone their STEM leadership skills through our Teen Leadership Incubator or Full-Summer Machon CIT Program.
Days until camp!
“I cannot thank the entire Sci-Tech team enough for creating such an incredible summer for my kid. I can’t remember the last time they were so happy and engaged in a program. The counselors were all so interesting, intelligent, and supportive, and the programming was amazing. It was also the first camp in a long time my kid found themselves surrounded by like-minded (and Jewish 😀) peers. I am so grateful for this camp! We are already looking forward to next summer.”
Overall Satisfaction
Sense of Belonging & Positive Experience
Likelihood to Recommend
Supported Mental, Emotional, Social Health
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More experiences with the URJ

NFTY + Teen Programs

Sci-Tech in ISRAEL

Virtual Experiences